The Cary Teen Council is a volunteer service organization made up of fun and fascinating teens from a variety of schools in Cary and surrounding areas! Our mission is empowering youth, enriching communities through teen-led volunteerism and civic participation.
2024-2025 Presidential Volunteer Service Award: CORRECTED INFORMATION Service hours earned between May 1, 2024, and April 30, 2025, will be eligible towards the 2024-2025 Presidential Volunteer Service Award. The PVSA application will open for Teen Council members on April 30 at 9:30 a.m. and close May 14 at 11:59 p.m. Find the Eligibility Requirements and FAQs HERE. Volunteer Tracking Sheet can be found HERE. |
IMPORTANT GENERAL PICKUP INFORMATION Please plan to have your ride pick you up 5-10 minutes before your event ends. |
IMPORTANT WEATHER UPDATES Weather updates and event cancellations can be found here. Check here before heading to your volunteering duties, esepcially on rainy days. |
If you are looking for some outstanding teen volunteers to assist with your event, please fill out the following form: Volunteer Request Form
You can also contact us at caryteencouncil@carync.gov. We volunteer at events all around Cary and Wake County all year long and are always looking for new opportunities to get involved!
If you are looking to create a service partnership with the Cary Teen Council, please contact Allison.Parker@carync.gov for details.